Friday 22 April 2016

Evaluation- What Have You Learned From Your Audience Feedback?

Throughout my research and planning process I conducted many focus groups among my fellow students, my out of school friends and family to ask for their opinion on the design/ layout and titles in result of the feedback I made some changes to it, as well as what people expect to see and think of as authentic. A good marketing campaign is essential into how it could deliver meaning to my audience most clearly, so that they should see the film, the first example i did is distributing a questionnaires on posters as well as the results of it as you can click on the link below. 

                                                            Poster Questionnaire
                                                   Results Of Poster Questionnaire

Post Production Questions On My Poster:

1) Can you tell what genre this poster belongs to?
2) Compare to other existing posters, does this look authentic?
3) Does the poster want to make you want to see the movie?
4) Does this poster work effectively with the other elements of my marketing campaign?

My respondents were able to tell straight away that it belongs to an action genre, pointing at the dark black background and the thick upper case of the font also the background shows that it involves top spec technology which hints it involve action. The image of the man posing with the gun is a big hint of the genre it belongs to, the fact that the image looks like a robot portrays to the audience that technology is effecting the characters life in some way.Other factors that indicate the genre is he release date which is June 24 a date typically a time that big action films tend to be released.

Again I have received positive feedback saying that my poster looks like any other action type poster with the help of some of the conventions I used such as the title of the movie is written in big writing which makes it stick out, the taglines that is used in the trailer, the reviews also add the effect to make it look authentic and the biggest feedback I got was the fact there a main central image which again adds to the effect of making it look like a real poster.

The men in particular suggested that the main central image was a big factor in encouraging them to see the film, which is a man holding a gun implying it is an action filled movie and very entertaining,The taglines also played a part in convincing the people to watch it, the fact that it says it's about his family and his fight keeps them curious/mysterious and would want to know what happened to him family and what does he do to stop it. The reviews rates the film really highly so that convinced them more to go and watch it. (But the women however suggested the opposite, saying that the film look like it involves too much action).

My respondents said that the poster does work effectively with the other elements in the marketing campaign as there are a lot of similarities between them, which combined together makes them want to go watch the film, the use of the same taglines in the poster and trailer as well as the billings which help link it together, the fact in each element of the marketing campaign has the name of film across all of it and an image or a shot of the main protagonist makes a whole lot more effective and encourages people to go watch the film.

The next element on my marketing campaign was the magazine front cover, I again distributed a questionnaire and as well the results that came in which is on the links below.

Post Production Magazine Questionnaire:

1) Can you tell is the magazine is mainstream or a independent one?
2) Does it look like a real film publication?
3) Would this magazine stick out on the shelf?
4) Can you see how the magazine reflects on the poster and trailer?

Existing Film Publications

Before getting my audience to answer the first question I showed them a range of different film publications so that they can see the difference between them and what conventions they each have incorporated in them, so that they will be able to compare it to my magazine over and see if it looks as authentic as the ones they have seen.

My respondents feedback was that they can tell it is a mainstream magazine with the thick bold masthead, also the red and black writing makes it stick out and looks more hollywood style. The cover lines also suggest it's mainstream as it mentions big hollywood actors and blockbuster films.

The audience said that it does look authentic because of the conventions I used, the masthead, the dominant central image, cover lines etc, all of which I incorporated together to make it look like a real magazine front cover.

The audience response to this is that it is really eye catching with the colour scheme of a black, white and red makes it really stick out of the shelf as well as that it looked professionally done and would make them buy the magazine.

The audience feedback to this was is that they can see in some ways it reflects the other elements of the marketing campaign with the use my main protagonist image is on throughout each of them, therefore making it link between them.


Post production trailer questions:

1) Can you tell what genre this trailer belongs to?
2) Have I incorporated the elements that you expect to find in a trailer?
3) Would the trailer encourage you to see the film?
4) Does it feel like a real trailer?

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