Wednesday 6 April 2016

Prop, Costume And Location List

For my teaser trailer to run as smoothly as possible I compiled a list of essentials that I needed for it. Different clothing for my main actors and a variety of props.


  • A pair of leather gloves- For when the good guy gets knocked out by an unknown individual
  • A small wooden stick- The weapon that the bad guy used to knock the good guy out
  • A pair of fake guns- It is used in different parts of the trailer mainly the the main actor and henchmen.
  • For my main protagonist I needed him to change a couple of times to show that the parts are being filmed at different times and different locations.
  • For the female protagonist she only appears in the beginning of the trailer in the house so wanted her to wear comfortable cloths that she usually wears at home.
  • For the montages my actors just wore whatever they were wearing at the time for filming as they were only going to appear that time in the trailer and not elsewhere.
  • The henchmen had to be suits so to show they are professional security personnel.
Location List:
  • In my friends kitchen
  • A street in hendon
  • My mates flat area
  • The park

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