Monday 25 April 2016

Evaluation- Use Of Technology- Poster And Magazine

When it came to designing and creating my poster, I used the photoshop elements which provided me all the tools to make the poster.

Below is the toolbar on photoshop elements which helped me design the layout of the magazine and poster. The first tool I used was the 'move' tool which abled me to move the stuff around in the and to put them in the places that I desired, then I used the 'Magnetic lasso tool' which assisted me when getting the image of my main protagonist to cut him out from the rest of the photo and to put him on my poster/magazine, next I used the 'Horizontal type tool' which created text boxes so I can put the cover lines in, title of film etc, then I used the 'Eraser' tool, so when I cut out the picture of my main protagonist, I had to go through the picture and cut out the edges that the magnetic tool didn't do which brings me to the 'Zoom' tool, in order to see if there were any rough edges I needed to zoom in very close to the picture and went around it using the 'Blur' tool as well for any sharp edges I blurred the corners of it to make it look nicer and lastly I used the 'Gradient' tool which is when I was designing the background of my magazine the top corner of it was white and at the bottom corner it faded into black.

 I'm going to show you in steps on how it came to the finished piece of my poster. Firstly i gathered that on action posters they have a dark background which is common for this type of genre, so below I originally had a white background which I thought anyway was a bit too plain, so therefore added the background to it which already makes it look more like an action genre type poster.

When putting my billing on I wanted it to be right in the middle and have a line of symmetry, so on photoshop elements I used the graph and the ruler which can help me identify the best position for it and will give me a starting point when I put the rest of the conventions in.

At this point I have decided I like how my poster is coming out to be, so I then started adding the other conventions such as the website, the release date and the actors name

In the majority of action posters i've looked at they had the main protagonist as the central image of the poster, so as I was filming for my teaser trailer I took a picture of my main character doing a certain pose for the shot. Then I uploaded the picture onto photoshop elements as I just wanted the actor picture cut out from the rest of the photo. After doing so, the picture was then placed on my poster, then again i added a special affect to the picture to make it look like a robot since that is the main part of what my trailer is about, which is people getting controlled and acting like robots, so by adding this effect it would link to the trailer.

Besides the fact that action posters have a dark background, in my research quite a few tend to add random pictures of the film in the poster or give some sort of idea of the things that happen in the movie, so since my trailer is about people getting controlled by some computer program, I wanted to add that kind of idea on my poster, so i looked online to look at images of technological programs and found the perfect one for it as you can see below is the journey on how I got to it and after all the editing to make it look authentic.

Same again as the previous post, when it came to designing my magazine front cover I used photoshop elements which provided me the tools to make it look authentic

I wanted my magazine to have a dark background which makes it look like more of an action magazine 

The picture below shows the effectiveness of using the 'Gradient' tool which helped me design it in this particular way.

Then slowly, I started adding the conventions that you usually find in magazine front covers.

Then I put the name of my magazine on, used an effect to make the 'O' into red compared to the rest which is black, making it sticking out more than other magazines

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