Wednesday 20 April 2016

Evaluation- Magazine

In what ways does your media use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?- Magazine 

As part of my marketing campaign I have to design my own magazine front cover and I did so by looking at two different magazine front covers from different publications targeting different audiences and studying the conventions of it and to see if they share the same conventions in terms of layout, style and content. The first magazine I looked at was SFX which is more mainstream type of films and the second one I looked at was America Cinematographer which is aimed at less independant films. 

After analysing these two different publications, I gathered the conventions that I found between them and realised although the America Cinematographer have less conventions than the big mainstream one, however it still shares quite a few of the same conventions. Both had a big mast head, the name of the movie, the image of the star, barcode and cover lines that make references to the stories inside

Then I researched five different types of film publications and had to study the layout, style and content to see which one fits best for what I want. The five types were

After researching different publications for magazine front cover, I came to a conclusion that I wanted the magazine Empire which is a big hollywood blockbuster magazine and want it to look like my magazine front cover, so now i'm going to be analysing three covers of the Empire magazine in terms of layout and content so I will know what type of conventions I need to include when it comes to making my own front cover.

After all this research in magazine front covers, I incorporated all these bits of information/conventions into my front cover as you can see below is the stages from the beginning of the process and slowly started adding these convention to make it look real and authentic like any other existing magazine front cover.

Every magazine front cover has a masthead and in which I did mine in big, thick, bold font which makes in look more mainstream like Empire.

Magazine also add a slogan to make it stick out and try encourage the audience to buy it.

Often they add a website that the audience can check online and view it on there as well and getting other news about it as well, therefore i put one on in my magazine.

Every magazine has a dominant central image of the main character of the main film that is being advertised, so I did the same on my cover

Magazines publication add cover lines that try attract their target audience, usually mentioning their favourite film/actors so would make them buy it and see what is inside, so I added a few cover lines into mine as well as I made sure that they were big films so would make my magazine look more mainstream.

Also in magazines they tend to add banners to try make something stand out and it comes in with a variety shapes and sizes, so again I added it into mine .

Ber codes are included in every magazine so I put one in mine to make it look more authentic.

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