Thursday 21 April 2016

Evaluation- How Effective Is The Combination Of Your Main Product And The Ancillary Texts?

With any marketing campaign it needs to have a sense of unity/continuity, across all the elements that are used to promote the film so the audience will realise that it's promoting the same film. A unified campaign helps establish the awareness of the film, so when the audience sees the images going round they will know it's associated with the film. So when creating my own marketing campaign, I had to make sure that they were consistent as well as unifying elements throughout my campaign. So the font on my poster is the same on my trailer, therefore making it instantly recognisable that it belongs to the same film. The font I used is called 'Bank Gothic' which is used for my title on my poster and trailer as well as taglines and release dates.

So when the audience are watching the teaser trailer and looking at the poster they can see it's from the same film. However for the magazine cover I used a different font since they have their own style,independant from the film, The film company may be able to convince them in to which image to put up but won't be able to tell them to change their fonts

I also used the same fonts on both the teaser trailer and on my poster as well as the same tagline. So by having the same tagline on each of them the audience will be able to associate them together and realise its from the same film. The tagline doesn't give too much information about the movie but just enough to keep the audience curious and build anticipation. 

The central image of my poster is not the same as my magazine cover, however they will be featuring my main protagonist so the audience cas as well associate between them and know that it's marketing the same film.

Other factors that were similar across the products were production company logos on both the teaser trailer and my poster, as well as the billing on both and the constant use of the film title across all elements of my marketing campaign.

The release date on my poster and my teaser trailer are very similar which helps lining them together. The coverage of the film on the magazine will be the final push o try convince people to go and watch the film just before it's release.

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