Wednesday 20 April 2016

Evaluation- Teaser Trailer

In what ways does your media use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? Teaser Trailer

As part of my main coursework I had to create a teaser trailer to advertise my film, so to do that I had to research the conventions of trailers.

I first started with by comparing/analysing two existing films with teaser trailers and theatrical trailers. I had to find the differences and similarities between them and by the end of the task it will show me what I need to put in my trailer to make it look real.

Comparing Teaser And Theatrical Trailer For Captain America

After looking at the differences between teaser and theatrical trailer I found out that teaser trailers is much shorter than a normal trailer as well as that it does not give much info on what's happening in the trailer it just gives you the 'teasing' bits of it so will try attract the audience to watch it.

After looking at different genres on trailers I decided the genre of my teaser trailer will be Action. So I went on the film site to research all about the action genre and what type of conventions consist in them, this would help me when it comes to the making of my own trailer and I will know what to put it to make it look authentic. I then looked at a variety of trailers of the action genre to get an idea of how it's done.

Action Trailer Analysis 1
Action Trailer Analysis 2
Action Trailer Analysis 3
Action Trailer Analysis 4
Action Trailer Analysis 5

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