Sunday 20 December 2015

Results Of My Teaser Trailer

When asking my audience about what type of music they expect to hear in an action trailer I got loads of respondents saying a mixture of fast, intense and dramatic music, which would be most appropriate for the genre which is also the type of music I found whilst doing my secondary research.

Answer to the second question the audience thought that the two protagonist should be distant in the beginning of the film which happens a lot in actions films and then when one protagonist saves the other from danger they end up getting together.

The majority of the audience replied 'yes' when asked if there should be taglines as it would make the trailer look more intense and as well the questions whether there should be actors names on it the audiences replies was 50/50 so I decided to put the actors names at the end since that's what comes up in most action trailers.

Lastly the font that will be used for my poster will also be the same on the teaser trailer, majority of audience thought the same , since I want to show the audience that they are representing the same film.

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