Thursday 17 December 2015

Results Of My Poster Questionnaire

Most of the results I got from the questionnaire does clarify most of my findings when I analysed my posters in my primary research.As expected the majority of the audience ( around 80%) said the main image for my action poster is an individual running whilst holding a gun and the point of this it shows the audience he is running away from something or chasing someone, which is common thing that happens in action films therefore shows danger and action.Some people wrote in the questionnaire they should be a group of characters but I decided against it.

The colour theme in almost all action posters is dark and muted to signify action.So I thought this would be appropraiate for my poster as well to make it look like a action poster.Obviously soft pastel colours and bright colours would be out of the question since these colour themes are often used for romantic posters.

The posters I analysed in my secondary research most of them had like a fire setting or something exploding which is why I chose a city on fire to be the background as it signifies danger/trouble and that something big happened in the film.The other prospects like the beach would not show its action but rather something more romantic/nice, some people chose the forest but decided not to go with that since it does not show it' scary/action as much as a city on fire.

I already done my research on the certificate of my film is going to be, which is a 12, quite a big number of people wrote in favour for the 15 certificate but I wanted to target a much bigger audience than that so opted against it.

The response for what style of font the poster is meant to have everyone wrote it should be blocky and bold as this font is used in almost every poster shoes it's action, as well as the the font case that everyone chose is upper case as it sticks out more and it signifies the action genre more rather than the lower which is often used for romantic genre.

Majority of the people wrote that the main season for a action film to come out is during the summer, most of the actio films posters I analysed said on it its coming out 'This summer' therefore mine will be coming out around the same time.

The question whether there should be the names of the actors should be on my poster, majority again said it should be so i decided to put my lead actors names on my poster.]

All respondents say they should be taglines on my poster .

I asked the audience whether there should be reviews on the poster.......

The final question i asked the audience is what kind of props/vehicles do they expect to see on a action poster and I gathered some of the best ones.Some suggested a individual shooting out of a car whilst being chased or chasing someone, another one is a individual  motorbike with a gun strapped around him.

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