Friday 18 December 2015

Questionnaire For My Magazine Front Cover

 To understand in what the audience are expected to see on a hollywood mainstream magazine.So I have compiled a list of questions about the layout, design and the content on what elements it needs to have to make people buy my magazine.

Below is the list of questions:
1) Where would you expect the name of the magazine to be?
  • Top of the page?
  • Middle of the page?
  • Bottom of the page?
2) Who would you expect to be on the magazine cover?
  • A director?
  • An A list actor?

3) What would you expect the colours to be like? 
  • Dark and muted?
  • Soft pastel?
  • Bright?
4) Would you expect to see a large amount of text?
  • Yes?
  • No?
  • Not sure?
5) What would you expect the cover lines to be referencing?
  • Big budget films?
  • Well known actors?
  • Television series?
  • Directors?
  • Producers?
6) What kind of font would you expect to be used on the front cover of a mainstream magazine?
  • Rounded and soft?
  • Bold and square?

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