Monday 30 November 2015

Action Trailer Analysis- Fast And Furious 7

  •  The music intensifies when he gets a call gives you sense something is about to happen
  •  The house explodes which is common in action movies
  •  There is a fighting sequence, knocking a guy out with the gun
  •  Antagonist holding a big gun  
  •  2 cars clash with each other trying to kill one another 
  • The Tagline 'Vengeance Hits Home' implies some big fight is going to happen
  •  Actor has a cast which shows he got injured during a fight
  •  Actor holding a big machine gun and is shooting at something
  •  Car explodes
  •  Cars drives out of plane 
  •  Another fight sequence someone gets punched
  •  Antagonist shooting at the car
  •  Drives the car through the window

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