Monday 4 January 2016

Potential Storyline And Running Order For Teaser Trailer

Potential Storyline:

  • The main character is a single father who is an agent for the government.
  • A program has taken over his son making him lose control of himself and he is on a mission to get the program back to get his son back to normal.
Potential Running Order:
  • First production logo
  • Second production company logo
  • Establishing shot
  • A shot of the father and son having breakfast and the father putting his hand on his son shoulder saying 'Your mother would be proud'
  • Briefly tells son about program
  • Shot of Son taking his schoolbag and leaving the house,
  • father watches him walk out
  • Shot of a man giving speech about the programme whilst 2 people listen on
  • First part of tagline 'Imagine a world'
  • Whilst man talking about the 'good program' you see a teenager doing a good deed, a woman holding the shopping bags and the son walking down the street
  • Second part of tagline 'With no evil'
  • Whilst Man is saying that the system is hack proof in a voiceover, a shot of a scary looking guy typing at a computer
  • Shot of the computer screen showing thats it got hacked (screen goes flashing red)
  • Now that the baddie took over program people now get controlled
  • Teenager stops what he's doing and stands straight up like a robot with a buzzing sound in the backround 
  • Woman drops her bags and stands like a robot
  • The son just stops walking and drops the schoolbag
  • Dad sees he's been affected
  • Now its personal he's on a mission to get it back
  • Calls colleague for help (eye candy)
  • They get info of a leak of the IP address 
  • They go to location and its a trap
  • Have a shooting battle
  • Shots of people running 
  • shot of someone taking a gun out
  • shots of people punching 
  • shots of people kicking 
  • guy holding a gun to mans head asking where is the program?
  • Name of film Billings and credits
  • Release date

Possible Music For My Teaser Trailer

Whilst analysing teaser trailers, I needed to listen out for the type of music they use in action trailers so that I would be able to do the same for mine.I found that in action trailers the music is intense, dramatic and a sense that something is about to happen and when there is a fight sequence the music goes a lot faster and in high tempo.

Possible Magazine Front Cover Images

When I take photos of my main protagonist of my film for my magazine front cover,  want to make him look menacing, strong as well as smart.So I used the magazine Empire with Leonardo Dicaprio as my inspiration.

Friday 1 January 2016

Possible Magazine Layouts

Below is a few sketches of how I want my magazine front cover to be designed, after doing a ton of research on how the layouts are done