Monday 21 September 2015

Conventions Of Posters

Below there is a list of possible conventions that can be found on posters and on different genres.

Name of film:                                                          


Names of stars

Images of stars

Billing and credits


Social media links

Production company logos

Release date reviews

Dominant central image

Mise en scene related to genre

Name of director

Reference to other films/Directors/Producers

Sound logos

Format(3D IMAX)

Reference to awards


Reference to source material



Poster Analysis 5

The Fifth Poster I will be looking at is LEGEND from the Drama genre.

Name Of Film
Name Of Stars 
Image Of Stars
Billings And Credits
Production Company Logos
Dominant Central Figure
Mise En Scene
Reference To Other Films
Reference To Awards

After analysing all the posters I realised that they share a lot of the same conventions no matter what the genre is.So now I know what conventions I will be using when I make my movie poster.

Poster analysis 4

The Fourth poster I will be looking is SOUTHPAW is from the Action genre.

Name Of Film
Names Of Stars 
Images Of Stars
Billings And Credits
Production Company Logos
Dominant Central Figure
Mise En Scene
Name Of Director
Reference To Other Films/Directors

Poster analysis 3

The third poster I will be looking at is KNOCK KNOCK from the Horror genre.

Name Of Film
Name Of Stars
Image Of Stars
Billings And Credits 
Social Media Links
Production Company Logos
Dominant Central Figure
Sound Logos

Poster Analysis 2

The second poster I will be looking at is White Chicks from the Comedy genre.

Name of film
Name Of Stars
Images Of Stars
Billings And Credits
Production Company Logos
Release Date Reviews
Dominant Central Figure
Mise En Scene Related To Genre
Name Of Director
Sound Logos

Poster Analysis 1

                          The first poster I will be looking at is ANTMAN from the Sci-Fi genre.

Name of film
Names of stars 
Image of stars
Billings and credits
Social media links
Production Company logos
Release Date Reviews
Dominant Central Figure
Mise En Scene
Reference To Other Films
Sound Logo
Format 3D IMAX

Poster Conventions

For my first media task I will be looking at 5 posters from different genres and will be pointing out the conventions of the posters as well as comparing them,to show the similarities between them and this will help me into what conventions I will be using in my poster.

The 5 films i chose are

           1)'ANTMAN' (Sci-Fi)
           2)'White Chicks' (Comedy)
           3)'Knock Knock' (Horror)
           4)'Southpaw' (Action)
           5)'Legend' (Drama)

A2 Media production Brief

For my A2 media coursework,I will construct analysis of existing posters,magazine front covers and teaser trailers and will try find the conventions of different types of media and at the end i hope to be able to produce an imaginary film.
Film marketing campaign must have some degree of unity to portray to the audience and are aware that each element is promoting the same element for example......